May You Live in Interesting Times

The old saying is a double-edged warning;

“at first glance exciting, on a deeper look, trying.”

2020 has been a very interesting year for Gainesville 41.  I have had a critical medical illness, we have sold the venerable Lodge Building at 215 N. Main Street, we have been locked down without a Stated Communication for weeks with more of the same ahead until the lock-down is over.  All of this and not yet halfway through the year!

As we look to the future, Gainesville No. 41, like most of our culture, will navigate changes, some good, some bad, some short-term, and some permanent. We have used new technology to check on our Lodges Brothers, calling all members to ascertain their status and needs; volunteering Masonic Charity and aid when called upon. By the Grace of God, the vast majority of our Brothers and their families were well, but the unexpected gift we all found was the assurance that their Brothers cared, and we heard the grateful thanks for our concern. We also employed free smartphone technology and held meetings through apps like Zoom to keep in touch and continue our business activities during the stay-at-home order. These may be only short-term, but it allows access for members from anywhere and likely to be useful going forward.

As we look to the future and a new Lodge building, our goal is to ensure our survival for future generations of Masons.  Those who came before us passed to us a beautiful building and sadly, it was beyond our means and abilities to oversee the needed 100-year renovation.  As we move forward, we will be less grand, but keep an eye on fiscal responsibility.  We plan to purchase a property with a degree of commercial potential that will support the structure, freeing us to pursue our labor and charity.  This is the new normal for those aiming to survive. 

All in all, an interesting year thus far! Our strongest hope is to join again in the fellowship of the Lodge with many familiar faces. These weeks of social distancing and isolation have confirmed in my mind that man is a social animal and we are meant to share the company of our fellow man; to communicate, teach, learn, support and enjoy. If you are coming to this page for the first time, please join us to explore further, if you are returning to this page after an absence, please re-join us in Lodge. Either way, I look forward to welcoming you to Gainesville No.41 on May 13th as we re-open after the lock-down.

Thank you,

Patrick Jacob

Worshipful Master